Twitter Tools by Alex King
Back to BlogsTwitter Tools is a highly-functional WordPress plugin that can be seen in action in this site’s footer. As you may have guessed, it’s primary function is to display your Tweets. Well, you guessed right, but there is much more to this great plugin.
Twitter Tools gives you control of your tweets. I use it barebones (as you can see), but may eventually integrate some of its more useful functions like:
- Own your tweets – Archive your Twitter tweets in your WordPress install (downloaded every 15 minutes)
- Tweets to blogs – Create a blog post from each of your tweets with it’s own auto-assigned category.
- Ignore conversations – Tell Twitter Tools to ignore @ conversations.
- Save Daily – Create a daily digest post of your tweets
- Tweet your blog – Create a tweet on Twitter whenever you post in your blog, with a link to the blog post (very useful).
- Sidebar Twittering – Post a tweet from your sidebar. No need to visit Twitter to post tweets.
- Admin tweets – Post a tweet from the WP Admin screens
- Pass your tweets along to another service (via API hook)
My blog uses this plugin. Now, my blog is tied to Twitter and Twitter is tied to Facebook. Updating my blog updates Twitter which updates Facebook and then updates my blog’s tweet-status. This is exactly what Web 2.0 is about. Integration with ease.
Thanks Alex King for making such a smart plugin.