
This function hides all WordPress content from users who are not logged in. Visitors will see a custom message instead of any pages or posts, except for the login page.

<?php /** * Hide entire site unless logged in. * * Gist Keywords: wordpress, privacy * Author: Knol Aust *… Read more »

Override TinyMCE's default colors. Created specifically for Classic Editor Block or ACF WYSIWYG in WordPress.

<?php /** * Limit MCE WYSIWYG Colors * * This function overrides TinyMCE's default color options in the WordPress Classic… Read more »

How to Disable Unwanted Image Sizes From WordPress 5.3+

<?php /** * Disable Unnecessary Generated Image Sizes * Author: Knol Aust * Gist Keywords: wordpress, media library, images, image… Read more »

Output Advanced Custom Fields Data as JSON in JavaScript Console

<?php /** * Output Advanced Custom Fields Data as JSON in JavaScript Console. * * This code retrieves data from… Read more »

Hide ReCaptcha overlay when page does not contain Contact Form 7 form.

<?php /** * Hide Contact Form 7 reCAPTCHA on non-contact pages. * * This function removes the enqueuing of Contact… Read more »

gzip Compression for WordPress

<?php /** * Enable GZIP compression for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML, and fonts. * * This code snippet configures… Read more »