* JavaScript Request with Error Handling
* Author: Knol Aust
* Gist Keywords: js, javascript, http request, error handling
* Description: This code checks for the existence of an HTML element with the id "elem" and makes an XMLHttpRequest to an API or endpoint.
* It handles both successful responses and errors by providing comments and suggestions.
// Check if the element with id "elem" exists in the page
if (document.getElementById("elem")) {
// Set the API or endpoint URL
const endpoint = 'https://the-url.com';
// Set up an XMLHttpRequest object for making HTTP requests
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Define the event handler for when the request completes
xhr.onload = function () {
// Check if the HTTP status code indicates success (between 200 and 299)
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
// Code to run when the request is successful
// Parse the response data as JSON to work with it as an object
const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// You can now work with the 'data' object, e.g., call functions, loop through variables, etc.
} else {
// Code to run when there is an error in the request
// It's a good practice to handle errors gracefully, e.g., by hiding the parent element with id "elem"
// console.log('There was an error. Something is messed up.');
// Create and send a GET request to the specified endpoint
xhr.open('GET', endpoint);