* Clears the SiteGround cache for a specific page or the entire site.
* This function checks if a valid URL is provided and clears the cache
* for that specific page. If the URL is invalid or not provided, it clears
* the cache for the entire site. It relies on the 'sg_cachepress_purge_cache' function
* provided by SiteGround's caching functionality.
* Gist Keywords: wordpress, cache, performance, siteground
* @param string $page_url Optional. The URL of the page to clear the cache for.
* If empty or invalid, the entire cache is cleared.
* @return void
* @author Knol Aust
function knolaust_clear_sg_cache($page_url = ''){
if (function_exists('sg_cachepress_purge_cache')) {
if (!empty($page_url) && filter_var($page_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
} else {
/** Instructions */
// Usage of knolaust_clear_sg_cache function
// 1. To clear the cache for a specific page:
// Example: knolaust_clear_sg_cache('https://www.example.com/specific-page/');
// 2. To clear the entire site's cache:
// Example: knolaust_clear_sg_cache();
// Notes:
// - The function checks if the provided URL is valid. If the URL is invalid or not provided,
// the cache for the entire site is cleared.
// - Ensure that the 'sg_cachepress_purge_cache' function is available in your environment.