DNA Relationship Predictor

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This interactive tool estimates potential relationships based on total shared centiMorgans. There is no exact science for predicting these relationships. There are commonly accepted shared cMs, but they can vary wildly.

Use these predictions as potential leads (not facts) when attempting to establish your relationship to the relative. For more on these estimates, visit ISOGG.

Parent Grandparent Great Grandparent 2nd Great Grandparent 3rd Great Grandparent
Main Person Brother or Sister Aunt or Uncle Grand Uncle or Aunt Great Grand Uncle or Aunt 2nd Great Grand Uncle or Aunt
Niece or Nephew 1st Cousin 1st Cousin Once Removed 1st Cousin Twice Removed 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
Grand Niece or Nephew 1st Cousin Once Removed 2nd Cousin 2nd Cousin Once Removed 2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Great Grand Niece or Nephew 1st Cousin Twice Removed 2nd Cousin Once Removed 3rd Cousin 3rd Cousin Once Removed
2nd Great Grand Niece or Nephew 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed 2nd Cousin Twice Removed 3rd Cousin Once Removed 4th Cousin

Relationship Type Calculator

Use this calculator to name the relationship between two people who share a common ancestor.

Your relationship to ancestor.

Their relationship to ancestor.